Friday, December 11, 2009

Two in Blue

Ahhhh. Isn't this sweet?

Almost as charming as Gabe when he smeared an entire tube of hair gel into the carpet yesterday, showed me, and then proudly exclaimed, "I keen duh carpet!"

Even more fetching was last week after he downed an entire mug of my coffee (again) and then buzzed (literally!) around here for hours singing, "You are AWESOME, Mommy!"

But nothing was as charming as when he decided to experiment with loading TP into the toilet (stuffed tighter than a Thanksgiving turkey) and flush it just prior to my morning of errands with GLLAM in tow. Sharing the whole saga is one of those If Only I Had Time stories and would reduce me to tears, but suffice it to say that I arrived home just in time to spend the afternoon mopping up water and rounding up dehumidiers and fans from all my gracious neighbors.

And to think I have the blessing of chasing two in blue in another year or so.....

Ahhhh. Isn't this sweet?


Becky said...

It IS sweet! It's moments like that which make the rest of it bearable!!!

Rachel said...

And here I thought I was living in the most destructive days of having a boy already....guess I need to hold on to the ride for another year at least!