Friday, February 27, 2009

Throwback Friday

I can't believe I get another one of these!  We had our ultrasound yesterday and.....
IT'S A........


"No pictures please - I'm sleeping"
(Gabe on his one week birthday)

The ultrasound was wondrous.  Incredible.  Literally breath-taking.  You would think these things would get old.  Not even close.  

We saw his eyelids.  Yes, eyelids.  And his eye lens.
The doc turned on the infa-red and we saw our baby boy being nourished --by moi -- through his umbilical cord. 
And his kidneys eliminating waste.
He tucked up his legs -- under his cute little behind -- criss cross, apple sauce.
We saw him swallow.

At 7 inches in length and a mere 9 ounces (see your cell phone for comparison), our son has every organ and body part working in perfect order.

Isn't our Creator amazing?


Becky said...

The goodness of our Lord continues to amaze me! I cannot wait to meet this new little man that He's bringing to your family!

Jen said...

God is so good! Looking forward to meeting this little nephew of mine.

agirlandhergun said...

Amazing doesn't even begin to explain Him!!


Crystal Oh said...

Wonderful news. Congrats on it being a boy!