Saturday, March 8, 2008

Kickin' it Old School

Let me explain.  

I heard Gabriel in his crib at 6 am this morning.  He went to bed at 7 last night so I knew he was ready to get up.  I reluctantly headed for the nursery as we are in a full-on blizzard here (10 inches already) and this morning, of all mornings, would be the perfect day to sleep in.

As I am headed back out of the nursery, Gabe in tow, Madeline (also known as my angel and you'll see why in a second) appears out of nowhere and says, "Mom, I can take him so you can go and sleep some more."

Could it be true?  Am I still dreaming?  Do I really have a child that is old enough for this?  
(This inner dialogue came later in the morning.... much later....and after I handed Gabbers off like the Olympic torch and dove back under the covers).

Ahhhhhh, Ron and I got to sleep in for a bit.....reminding us of BK  (before kids).


Becky said...

I'm Madeline for real? She has to be the coolest chick in town!

Patricia said...

Hate to burst any bubbles here, but any chance there is a connection between today and what happens tomorrow? I'm thinking this smells of "I asked for something super cool for my birthday and if I watch Gabe for her this morning, how can she saya "no" to her little angel?" are just blessed :)