Friday, March 7, 2008

Throwback to '06

1. Throwback - a sudden reminder of the past.  This can be brought about hearing an old song from high school, seeing an ex, puffing on a j in your old puffin spot, etc.  Similar to a flashback.
(taken from urban dictionary)

So, I was flipping through Madeline's journal (pre-blog days) and looking at when she turned 4, 5 and 6...she will be 7 on Sunday.
I started reading a couple entries from when she turned 5 and found myself howling with laughter at a story I had forgotten.  

Luke and Bethany were over hanging out one night and Luke was holding Madeline on his lap (she was facing him).  This was during a phase of hers where she would make up songs all day...."Twinkle, Twinkle, little bathtub.  I am going to take a bath"  ....whatever she was doing at the moment, she would sing it.

Anyway, she asked Uncle Luke if he wanted her to sing him one of her songs.  Being the great uncle that he is, he said, "Yes!"
She looks right up at him and starts belting it out,
The sky is so BLUE
Your teeth are so YELLOW

Honestly, no one heard the rest of the song.  
(possibly because the laughter was deafening?)

Crest Whitestripes?  Anyone?

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ah, little Madeline.

What an adorable story...and I say that it's adorable because Madeline didn't sing about the color of my teeth!!!